Bernard Arnault Sold His Private Jet: Here’s Why

Bernard Arnault, CEO of Louis Vuitton, sold his private jet to avoid being tracked. Every move of Arnault's jet was shared on various social media accounts.
 Bernard Arnault Sold His Private Jet: Here’s Why
READING NOW Bernard Arnault Sold His Private Jet: Here’s Why

The flight information of each aircraft flying in the air is publicly shared by authorized institutions. These data are; can be obtained in real time by aviation companies, the media and anyone interested in aircraft. Of course, this can be annoying, especially for famous names who want a secret and private flight.

Bernard Arnault, one of the world-famous business people, finally expressed his boredom about this issue. The CEO of Louis Vuitton, one of the richest names in the world, got tired of being followed by his private jet, and sold his jet and began to charter different jets for his journeys.

It becomes ‘untraceable’ by chartering a private jet:

The 73-year-old billionaire revealed in an interview with Radio Classique that he sold his jet because people were trying to follow his jet on social media. Arnault, who now uses a chartered jet for his journeys, shared that no one can follow where he is going.

The situation on social media, which Arnault mentioned, was caused by bot accounts that followed the jets of celebrities instantly and shared the developments. One of them even appeared with an account focused on tracking Elon Musk’s private jet.

Elon Musk also suffered a lot from his private jet being tracked:

In recent months, 19-year-old Jack Sweeney has developed a Twitter bot that shares the location of Elon Musk’s plane every time it takes off and takes off. So much so that Musk offered the young man 5 thousand dollars to prevent this situation, and if he was young, he increased this offer to 50 thousand dollars. But Musk turned down this offer.

Sweeney, who set off with the gas of Elon Musk, finally set his sights on other billionaires. Moreover, Sweeney stated that millions of dollars could be made in this sector and stated that he would establish his own tracking company.

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