Background playback is free with YouTube Music

YouTube Music, which provides service for a certain fee, will be partially free from now on. Here are the ones announced by Google!
 Background playback is free with YouTube Music
READING NOW Background playback is free with YouTube Music

YouTube Music, which was published about six years ago and did not enter the Turkish market for a long time, aims to successfully offer music to users. YouTube, which collects videos published on the platform and placed in the music category in the application, launched its paid subscription service a long time ago. However, a news that emerged today confused the minds.

YouTube Music, which allows you to listen to music in the background without ads, also has an offline feature. This means that you can download the songs you want. The platform, which basically rivals Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer, will now allow you to listen to music in the background. But only to certain users.

YouTube Music is partially free in Canada

Google, which also owns YouTube, made a post on its blog today morning. The company, which released the background playback feature that countless people have wanted for years for a fee a few years ago, announced that YouTube Music users in Canada can access the function for free.

It remains unclear which countries this initiative, which only covers background playback in the first place, will be available. Apart from that, the application creates stations according to the user’s tastes. The removal of ads on the platform is still based on the subscription system. In other words, it is possible to see advertisements after songs in the background playback feature in Canada.

Users who do not subscribe to YouTube Music will be deprived of a very important feature other than hearing ads. Those who do not pay will not be able to use the music download and offline listening function. YouTube Music, which has different subscription types in Turkey, has a price tag of 6.99 TL for students.

It is necessary to pay a price of 13.99 TL for the standard subscription and 20.99 TL for the Family package. In addition, in the ‘Family’ package, 5 people can listen to music from different profiles.

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