Baby Only Language: Dunstan Baby Language

Babies usually start to say their first syllables at 6 months, and when they turn one year old, they start to speak with simple words. Do you think there is a way to understand what babies who have not yet started to talk are telling us?
 Baby Only Language: Dunstan Baby Language
READING NOW Baby Only Language: Dunstan Baby Language

Some scientific studies and theories that have not yet been scientifically proven show that babies use a universal language and continue to communicate with baby language for a certain period of time until they learn to speak, and even if they learn to speak.

Let’s take a look at the theory of the famous Australian opera singer Priscilla Dunstan, who claims that babies have a universal language, and the studies on this subject.

Dunstan thinks a language can be created by the sounds babies make before they cry.

Dunstan conducted a study to understand what babies are trying to tell when they cry, and as a result of this research, he concluded that babies try to give us a message with the sounds they make before they cry. Although this result of Dunstan is not yet an accepted scientific study, it stands out as a subject that is likely to be examined by universities in the coming years.

According to Dunstan’s theory, babies can transmit five different messages.

Known worldwide as Dunstan Baby Language, this theory consists of five different messages in total. According to Dunstan Baby Language, babies express that they are hungry by making a “neh” sound before crying, that they need sleep by making an “ovh – auh” sound, and that they experience a discomfort in their body by making a “heh” sound. These ailments are usually nappy rash, wetting, itching and sweating.

Other messages in Dunstan Baby Language are “eairh” and “eh” sounds. Babies with the eairh voice indicate that they have gas, while the eh voice indicates that the gas accumulation is serious and is starting to cause more discomfort now.

If you have difficulty recognizing the sounds babies make, you can learn baby sounds from this video:

Dunstan Baby Language has inferences about body language as well as sounds made before crying.

Although the study tries to make sense of the sounds the baby makes before crying, it actually tries to capture some messages from the body language. For example, a baby clenching his fist may be trying to express that he is hungry.

Likewise, if our baby is pulling her legs towards her tummy and lifting her up in the air, she may be trying to explain that she has gas, and if she pulls herself like a spring, it may mean that she has a pain or discomfort. If he turns his head to the right or left without crying, it may mean that he is sleepy, and if he is crying, it means that he has a disease.

Although Dunstan Baby Tongue has not been scientifically detected so far, it has achieved a very serious success rate.

In the tests performed, 89% and 94% success was achieved from two different studies with babies brought from various parts of the world. This was an important step towards making sure that Dunstan Baby Language indeed contains correct expressions.

Known common communication messages about babies other than Dunstan Baby Language:

It is generally thought that babies who cry with a slight grunt while rubbing their eyes need sleep. Babies who cry with intermittent and high-pitched cries may have pain or discomfort. In this case, the baby’s diaper should be checked, diaper rash and gas control should be done.

Apart from all these symptoms, we should not talk about the situation that is expressed as “witching hour” around the world and which is defined as “witching hour” by mothers in our country. Babies cry for no reason at the same time and at the same time almost every day. They never stop crying before the time they set for themselves. Although the reason behind the witch clock has not been scientifically explained so far, it is thought to be a part of the adaptation process to the world.

Bonus: Although we can’t understand it, these twin babies talk so well among themselves that they even joke and laugh.

Sources: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 /

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