Today, even the screens that renew themselves more than 240 times per second have entered our homes, and the world of cinema still has not been able to exceed 24/25 FPS. The main reason for this situation is 75 years of habit and motion blur effect, which is ‘natural’ to the eye, while the world of cinema is slowly getting ready for change.
Although we have seen some trials from time to time for films above 24/25 FPS, especially high-budget films did not take this risk. The first high-budget movie that will try high FPS values has been announced today. This trial will come from James Cameron, who does not hesitate to try new things in the world of cinema.
Avatar 2 will play at both 24 and 48 FPS: So how?
Meeting with his fans at the Busan International Film Festival, James Cameron shared that the highly anticipated Avatar: The Way of Water will be released at 48 FPS. Moreover, Cameron shared that this FPS value can be achieved in movie theaters without the need for new equipment.
On the other hand, Cameron also stated that the entire movie will not be 48 FPS. Saying that they use a high frame rate for a higher sense of ‘presence’ in scenes such as flight scenes, Cameron stated that they usually use low frame rates in the scenes where people are talking, so they can present a more hyper real image.
On the other hand, Cameron announced that the cinema equipment will not be able to switch between 24 FPS and 48 FPS while playing the movie. He explained how they will offer 24 and 48 FPS at the same time in a movie, with the following words:
“In the scene we want at 24fps, we double the frames. So they actually show the same frame twice, but the viewer doesn’t see it that way. In this way, we are actually using a simple trick to exploit the already existing high frame rate platform.”