Author of Metro 2033 put on wanted list in Russia

Popular Russian science fiction writer Dmitry Glukhovsky, known for his Metro series books, has been added to the Russia wanted list for criticizing the Russia-Ukraine war.
 Author of Metro 2033 put on wanted list in Russia
READING NOW Author of Metro 2033 put on wanted list in Russia

About Dmitry Glukhovsky, the author of the Metro series

and collaborating with 4A Games on the popular Metro 2033, Metro Last Light and Metro Exodus games in the series, an interesting decision has been made in Russia. signed. The Russian science fiction writer has been added to the country’s wanted list for criticizing tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

accused of discrediting Russian forces

According to reports, Glukhovsky, accused of discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in his social media posts, was ordered to be arrested in absentia by Moscow’s Basmanny district court on 13 May. However, Routers says the famous writer, who left Russia today and has a past career in journalism, is the first major cultural figure to be placed on Russia’s most wanted list.

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Known Russia has recently passed a new law that imposes a prison sentence of up to 15 years for anyone who shares information about the military that is deemed false by the government. Glukhovsky, who faces up to 10 years in prison for the charges, said on his Telegram account, “I am ready to repeat everything that was said there: ‘Stop the war! Accept that this is a war against an entire nation and stop!”

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