Attacks on cryptocurrency platforms continue from where they left off. Popular cryptocurrency wallet platform Unisat Wallet has decided to shut down some of its functions after a recent attack! Here are the details…
This cryptocurrency wallet platform has decided to temporarily suspend its marketplace!
UniSat Wallet, the open-source browser extension for Bitcoin Ordinals, has temporarily shut down its recently launched Inscriptions Marketplace after multiple double-spend attacks on the platform. The issues were discovered earlier today after the UniSat community expressed concerns about the authenticity of its marketplace offerings.
However, UniSat shared the developments regarding the Inscriptions Marketplace on Twitter earlier today. According to the firm, a vulnerability in the core code of the marketplace led to double-spend attacks on the platform. After the preliminary investigation, it was determined that 70 out of a total of 383 transactions were affected by the attacks.
According to UniSat, the attacks occurred despite extensive testing of the platform last week. The firm reportedly simulates different approaches to double-spend attacks and makes improvements and enhancements to the code to increase security. UniSat will continue to investigate over the next few days. According to the statements, marketplace services will remain closed until further notice. The statement made by Unisat is as follows:
Please understand that the BRC-20 is still very new and numerous issues have been identified and resolved in the last 30 days. As the first BRC-20 wallet provider and the first marketplace provider, UniSat constantly faces multiple challenges and moves forward with your full support.
The company gave confidence to investors in its announcements!
The firm assured that all affected users will be compensated for their losses in the coming days. UniSat will conduct a comprehensive review and consolidation of the cryptocurrency platform’s issues and identify all users associated with the incident. Users seeking refunds need to create a support ticket on UniSat’s Discord server and share proof of transactions, including screenshots.
So what is Unisat Wallet? Unisat Wallet is a browser extension wallet that makes it safe and easy for investors to store, send, and receive Bitcoin Ordinals on the Bitcoin blockchain. UniSat Wallet is a non-custodial wallet and never accesses investors’ money. However, according to the transmitted data, UniSat Wallet never stores passwords or any private information of investors.