Astronauts will take shelter in the moon pits!

Scientists have revealed that the pits on our satellite can offer much better conditions for astronauts.
 Astronauts will take shelter in the moon pits!
READING NOW Astronauts will take shelter in the moon pits!

Going to and living in space has always been a passion for humanity. But living in space is not easy. The situation is no different on the nearest Moon, but scientists have revealed that the pits on our satellite may offer better conditions for astronauts.

Pitches on the lunar surface offer moderate temperatures

Pitches on the Moon’s surface can offer a consistent and comfortable temperature, according to new research. Thus, astronauts who will land on the Moon will be able to take shelter in these regions and be protected from the ever-changing conditions of the Moon’s surface. It is stated that astronauts can shelter in these regions during long-term Moon missions.

Researchers from the University of California (UCLA) revealed that temperatures in the pits on the moon’s surface largely remain at 17 degrees. It can be clearly said that the conditions in the pits are quite good for the lunar surface, which can reach 127 degrees during the day and -173 degrees at night.

The temperature of the pits was determined using data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a NASA spacecraft orbiting the moon and taking images of the lunar surface. LRO has analyzed many pits with a depth of about 100 meters. According to UCLA’s statement, some pits have a rock outcrop that keeps them from getting too hot during the day and keeps the heat in at night.

The large fluctuations in temperatures on the lunar surface are caused by long days and nights, each lasting about 15 days. These pits could help make conditions more manageable for future Moon explorers. These pits seem quite suitable for a possible moon base to be established in the upcoming period.

About 200 of these pits have been found on the lunar surface so far. These pits are thought to have formed after volcanic events on the Moon. In addition to providing shelter, these pits are thought to potentially host other underground resources on the Moon.

NASA is conducting various robotic studies to investigate the underground resources of the Moon in the upcoming period. After these analyzes, NASA’s goal of establishing a base on the Moon may come true. So what do you think about these pits on the surface of the Moon? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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