In the final season of the Pokémon animated series, Ash and Pikachu put their training and skills to the test. Finally, Ash achieves his goal by earning the title of the new Sovereign of the Pokémon World Coronation Series. This historic victory marks the culmination of Ash’s adventures over 25 years, from countless matches in the Pokémon world to challenging research.
Ash Kethcum Wins Champion
During their journey in the Kanto region, Ash and Pikachu face many opponents, but they always narrowly miss their tournament victory. This mighty duo continues their journey and Ash finally wins the title of the world’s first Pokémon League Champion at the Manalo Conference in the Alola region. Thus, it showcases how much progress you’ve made as a Pokémon Trainer.
Ash’s title as World Champion marks an important milestone in popular culture, and also a tribute to devoted Pokémon fans who have followed Ash’s journey for 25 years.
Taito Okiura, Executive Vice President of Marketing at The Pokémon Company International, said, “Ash Ketchum’s tenacity to earn the title of the world’s best Pokémon Trainer for 25 seasons is what best reflects what it means to be a Trainer.” said. Taito Okiura said, “We can’t wait to celebrate this unforgettable moment with Pokémon fans as the new season of Pokémon Unique Journeys and this adventurous final episode opens worldwide next year. This is going to be a season fans won’t want to miss!” he continued.
The Pokémon Unique Journeys series is currently only showing on US Netflix. Pokémon fans can follow Netflix to find out when new episodes will air and join Ash and Pikachu on their latest adventures on the road to becoming the world’s most powerful Pokémon Trainer.