Artificial Intelligence that Turns Everything You Think into Picture

Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence that can reconstruct what you think as a picture by simply analyzing signals generated in the brain's visual cortex.
 Artificial Intelligence that Turns Everything You Think into Picture
READING NOW Artificial Intelligence that Turns Everything You Think into Picture

Rapidly developing artificial intelligence technologies gained great popularity especially this year. We even started to convert the texts we wrote with artificial intelligence such as DALL-2 and Midjourney into visuals. But recently, an artificial intelligence was announced that takes it one step further.

Scientists from Singapore, Hong Kong and Stanford Universities have developed an artificial intelligence with enormous use potential. Artificial intelligence analyzes the signals generated in your brain when you see something and then tries to reproduce what you see. By using only your brain signals… In other words, it actually paints the image you create in your brain by thinking…

How does artificial intelligence work?

In the research they shared on November 13, scientists explained the working principle of artificial intelligence and how successful it was. Artificial intelligence, in the simplest and summary way, works like this:

  • When you see something, ‘fMRI’ data is taken, which detects and follows the signals in your brain. Let us remind you that these data are used in areas such as neuromarketing today.
  • The data is processed by artificial intelligence. In other words, what your brain sees is only estimated by examining the signals in your brain.
  • The picture you see is reconstructed with a close resemblance meaning, at least for now.

Some of the images that artificial intelligence tried to reproduce and revealed (Left: Image shown to human, Right: produced by artificial intelligence)

As you can see from the examples above, artificial intelligence actually has not achieved great success at the moment. But even the first version of AI achieved 66% success in semantic mapping and 41% in rendering quality.

But the most important result of this artificial intelligence and research was that it showed that even pure data taken from the brain, without any intervention, can be used to reconstruct a picture we see. This was possible for the first time in history.

So our mind can be literally read and recorded: what does that mean?

The developed artificial intelligence means that we can watch or see a part of the dreams we see while we are sleeping, in the simplest sense. Because when we dream, the visual cortex of our brain works and signals are formed in the brain.

The recording and processing of these signals by artificial intelligence can enable us to concretely recreate a dream we saw.

You can click on this link to access the research published by scientists and to access more information about artificial intelligence. The source codes of artificial intelligence were shared on GitHub.

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