Artificial Intelligence Projects Developed with NVIDIA Cards

Artificial Intelligence Projects Developed with NVIDIA Cards

Most of us admire NVIDIA-based cards. Thanks to these cards, we experience high FPS and smooth gameplay in games. There is also the other side of the matter, which is artificial intelligence. In order to develop artificial intelligence projects on the NVIDIA side, you need to take advantage of the Jetson family.

The Jetson family; NVIDIA-based electronic cards with high performance, low power consumption and created to develop artificial intelligence projects. It allows us to do intro, intermediate and advanced projects as in graphics cards. Let’s examine the artificial intelligence projects created using the Jetson family.

The future is exciting, at the beginning of this excitement there are undoubtedly autonomous vehicles. With the NVIDIA Jetson family, autonomous vehicles can be developed.

While driving, there is now artificial intelligence as a driver. Examines, interprets and applies the environment. In NVIDIA-based systems, these tools perform self-lane tracking and object detection after various artificial intelligence codes. After realizing it, it takes its own decision and implements it.

This process takes place with the result of the models trained with image processing and deep learning models of the environment we view with the camera. Today, if processing is done on a data obtained from the camera, image processing is the basis of this.

If operations such as object detection and lane tracking are carried out, this is provided by deep learning and machine learning models. These models are created by training multiple related images. In other words, even if a red light detection is to be made, the cluster consisting of thousands of red light images is trained and the model is revealed.

Autonomous drones are now responding to forest fires. Artificial intelligence notifies the fire department if there is a fire.

Autonomous drones that take off from time to time detect fire early thanks to artificial intelligence. Moreover, these systems not only detect fire, but also report the coordinate information of the fire to the fire department. Imagine that you are in the forest and your phone line is not working. At this point, thanks to drones, fire can be heard and early intervention is made.

Pixel concept is defined as the smallest unit of structure in an image. There are various numbers in the pixels according to the RGB color format. The pixel in the color image holds 3 different numbers in a string. For example, the color of 1 pixel consisting of (255,0,0) values ​​is red. Especially in fire detection processes, the detection process is performed according to the pixel densities.

Thus, various calculations can be made according to the pixel densities of the fire and smoke in the environment, and as a result, fire early detection systems can be developed by using drones together with NVIDIA-based systems.

Thanks to smart refrigerators, the freshness of fruits and vegetables can be understood.

Thanks to NVIDIA-based artificial intelligence systems, we can observe the deterioration of a fruit or vegetable and have early information. Moreover, the health of the fruit or vegetable is displayed in percent.

In order to develop the project, it is necessary to train 3 different deep learning models: The first is the set of fruits in normal condition; The other is training with a cluster of fruits close to spoilage and the last with a cluster of spoiled fruits or vegetables.

As a result, percentages are obtained by using statistics and mathematics. Accordingly, we can learn how many percent of a fruit is in normal condition or how much of a vegetable is rotten, thanks to artificial intelligence in refrigerators.

While doing fitness training, don’t worry about which set and repetition you are in. Artificial intelligence gives you the information of your set and repetition.

The artificial intelligence model can interpret the movements of your arm and count which repetition you are in for you. You can also find out if you’re doing the move correctly.

Calculating and interpreting the distance between the arm and the wrist as a percentage depending on your arm movements. When you lift your dumbbells correctly and fully, the artificial intelligence can count your repetitions by itself.

Do you like playing chess? Then you are welcome to play against artificial intelligence.

Another project developed on NVIDIA-based systems is artificial intelligence playing chess against you! Moreover, it is very difficult to beat. The artificial intelligence system in the chess game is a little different. Each opponent has 16 different pieces. Among these stones, we have stone groups with 6 different tasks. Each group of gems is trained in the NVIDIA Jetson family with deep learning models based on playing situations, tasks, and opponent diversity.

The frustrating part starts after the model’s training is over. Just like backgammon, you can take the chessboard under your arm after every match.

Of course, it is not limited to this extent. There are many more projects in our life. Some directly affect our lives, while others affect our lives indirectly.