Artificial Intelligence “Guard” prevented tax leakage at customs

Artificial Intelligence “Guard” prevented tax leakage at customs
The artificial intelligence -backed “Guard ğı, which was introduced by the Ministry of Commerce in 2024, prevents tax smuggling at customs customs. The guard software controls the goods passing through customs. It accelerates the customs process and warns bills of billion tax evasion risks. It ensures a billion tax evasion.

The guard, which makes convenience for customs inspections in border gates, airports and ports, examines the details that may escape the attention of customs officers and detects illegal products.

In traditional customs audits, civil servants managed the process by checking the declarations one by one. However, the guard system automate this process with artificial intelligence. The system detects the anomalies in the place where the goods come from, the place where the goods come from within milliseconds, accelerates customs processes and minimizes errors. In addition to evaluating the declaration, the guard makes decisions by analyzing the images by means of machine learning.

20 -minute control goes down to milliseconds

While a customs officer checks a declaration in 20 minutes, artificial intelligence reduces this process to the level of milliseconds. The Guard has a structure that can detect new types of irregularities and smuggling in the future by updating with new data resources and new usage scenarios.

It works with 99 percent accuracy

TÜBİTAK Artificial Intelligence Institute Director Mehmet is right, emphasizing that the Guard works with 99 percent of the right level of accuracy, he said:

“During the customs storage process, a customs storage officer checks a declaration in 20 minutes. Is that declaration correct, where does it come from, where the goods come from, what is the origin, is there an anomaly? It checks it and takes 20 minutes. The artificial intelligence application, which we currently developed, can direct this to the control process with 99 percent accuracy and 99 percent capture and make this work at the level of milliseconds. ”

Captures smugglers that people cannot detect

One of the most striking examples of the advantages of the guard system was in Mersin Port. Artificial intelligence, a firm’s right and left shoes in different customs by putting taxes in the country found that the tax. When the customs officers opened the packages, he saw only right shoes. TÜBİTAK Artificial Intelligence Institute Director Mehmet is right, “If the company draws the right pairs of shoes from one place to a place, the left pairs of the left are less taxes. It is impossible for a person to notice this normally, but artificial intelligence found it there by capturing such a ‘pattern’ (pattern), ”he said.