April 1st Jokes of World Famous Brands

April 1, which we also call 'joke day', has arrived. Many world-famous brands and companies, from Xiaomi to Subway, were also among those who shared today. Let's take a look at how giant brands deceive their followers.
 April 1st Jokes of World Famous Brands
READING NOW April 1st Jokes of World Famous Brands

As we all know, billions of people from all over the world; Nowadays, when we are dealing with difficulties such as pandemic, war and economic crisis, they are in search of things that will distract them from these endless problems and make them happy.

For this reason, today we call it ‘joke day’; In other words, on April 1, people try to be a little bit happy by joking with each other. Of course, many brands and companies from around the world join this trend as every year and try to deceive people by sharing fake products and fake campaigns.

April Fool’s Day joke from many brands and companies

This year was no different. World-renowned big brands and companies shared their posts using social media platforms, which are among the places where jokes are made the most. These companies; He made an April 1st joke to his followers with many posts that included things like new products and fake technologies.

These posts from food, technology, automotive and many other sectors attracted people’s attention. It is even possible to say that there are people who truly believe in these posts. We have compiled jokes made by DJI, Xiaomi, Honda, Subway, Duolingo and many more companies for you.

Airbag for drones from DJI


China-based unmanned aerial vehicle company DJI He deceived his followers with a post. Stating that it designs airbags for drones, the giant company used the following statements in its statements: “We are happy to announce the airbags that will be included in all our drones that will be released this year. To activate these versatile airbags that will relieve your worries, simply press the shutter button three times on the controls”

ConfiBOOST tablet

that will fix all the problems from Xiaomi. Another Chinese technology giant Xiaomi also made an April 1 joke with a post it published for India. The company stated that it has released a tablet in its sharing. However, this product was not the tablet computer as we know it, but rather a pill. In his statements, Xiaomi stated that those who take this pill, called ConfiBOOST, will get rid of all their problems. In addition, funny expressions such as “you will pass your exams without studying, ultraportable” were also included for the product.

HyperSense costume from Razer

Razer, one of the leading companies in the gaming world, was among the jokers. The US-based company stated that it designed a metaverse outfit called HyperSense. In the statements made, it was stated that there are more than a million tactile sensors in this outfit, and everything from physical contacts to emotions can be felt. Razer also stated that this suit can increase or decrease the feeling of pain and provide an experience as realistic as the real world. Many people liked this joke about the outfit, which was shared on YouTube, and asked, ‘Can there really be such outfits in the future?’ caused the question to be asked.

The airline that will allow you to learn languages ​​from Duolingo

Duolingo, which offers language learning services to people, was among the companies that made an April 1 joke. The popular app has announced that it will launch an airline that will allow people to learn languages ​​while flying. In addition, a visual was shared about how the planes of this airline could be.

Front seat designed for pets from Honda

Japan-based automaker Honda did not pass by April 1 without jokes. The giant brand stated that it has designed a front seat that allows drivers to see their surroundings better.

The device that will carry the smell of bread from Subway to your home

Subway, one of the world’s largest fast-food chains, deceived its followers by announcing that it will launch a brand new product. The giant company stated that it has released a state-of-the-art tool called ‘Eau de Dough’ that will help carry the smell of its famous breads to the home.

So what do you think of these jokes? Which brand do you think is the best April Fools’ joke? You can share your thoughts in the comments.

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