Apple’s office in South Korea reportedly raided

Apple's office in Seoul, South Korea, was reportedly raided by government officials. The reason for the raid is the App Store...
 Apple’s office in South Korea reportedly raided
READING NOW Apple’s office in South Korea reportedly raided

Apple’s office in Seoul was raided by researchers from the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC), who are investigating allegations that it received excessive App Store commissions from developers, local Korean broadcaster Chosun Biz reported.

Apple said in a statement that it “cooperated fully” with the commission during the investigation. “We look forward to explaining how the App Store is a tremendous business opportunity for Korean developers,” an Apple spokesperson said. KFTC did not comment on the matter.

This news is the latest in South Korea’s push for Apple and Google’s powerful app stores. The Korean government aims to rein in what some claim is the tech giant’s anti-competitive stance on in-app payments. Complaints against Apple include how much developers’ revenue is deducted if people buy something with Apple’s own in-app payment system. This cut can be up to 30% on subscriptions and in-app purchases to Apple.

According to Chosun Biz, a KFTC investigation team is investigating allegations that Apple recently charged 33% (over 30%) of in-app payment fees, as taxes affect the amount received.

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