Apple Watch’s battery swelling case was reached: users will be paid compensation!

Apple Watch’s battery swelling case was reached: users will be paid compensation!

Apple reached a compromise in the case opened due to the battery swelling problem in the old Apple Watch models. Apple agreed to pay $ 20 million for the analysis of the problem by agreeing with the plaintiff.

Apple Watch Series 1, Series 2 and Series 3 models have been continuing for a while due to the swelling of the battery with time and wasting devices. Although Apple did not officially accept arguments, he chose to agree to prevent more legal processes.

Apple Watch owners will be paid in the middle of $ 20 to $ 50

The measure of payments to be made to users will vary compared to the number of applicants. However, former Apple Watch holders are expected to receive a payment in the middle of $ 20 to $ 50. In this context, in order to receive payment, the criteria must be met.

In order to receive payment, users must notify Apple about the problem of swelling of the battery between 4 April 2015 – 6 February 2024. It is stated that individuals who meet the conditions will be paid automatically without having to fill in a random application form. Information about how the process will progress will be transmitted by e-mail or mail.