Apple offers a great feature for those who don’t understand cars!

A tester of the beta version of iOS 17 revealed that the Image Search feature now recognizes symbols on vehicles.
 Apple offers a great feature for those who don’t understand cars!
READING NOW Apple offers a great feature for those who don’t understand cars!

Knowing your vehicle is as important as knowing how to drive. Automobile companies give clues to their users with the symbols they place on their vehicles. Thanks to these symbols, we can recognize the equipment in the vehicle as well as detect the problems that occur in our car.

iOS 17 gets symbol recognition

Auto companies offer a guide for users to get to know their vehicles better. However, most people do not look at the face of this user manual at all. Therefore, for many people, the symbols encountered in the vehicle cannot go beyond a mystery.

The problems that occur in the vehicles are expressed with the help of a symbol on the instrument panel, giving a warning to the users to take action. However, many users who do not know what these symbols mean, skip these warnings. This can cause bigger problems in the future. Apple is preparing to offer a new feature with iOS 17 to prevent this problem.

A Reddit user testing the beta version of iOS 17 revealed that the Image Search feature will now expand to recognize symbols on vehicles. According to the post, iOS 17 will now explain many symbols, including climate controls and warning lights.

In the sharing on Reddit, we see that the new feature of iOS 17 clearly explains the settings of the four warning lights and air conditioning controls. The new version of the operating system thus came to the aid of people who own cars but do not understand cars.

Apple introduced the Image Search feature, which analyzes and decodes the captured photos with the support of artificial intelligence, with iOS 15. The system, which can analyze many different objects and living things thanks to its artificial intelligence, seems to help users with symbols with iOS 17.

Apple aims to make the lives of its users easier with the feature that will be offered with iOS 17. So what do you think about iOS 17 and its symbol recognition feature? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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