Apple confirms: Some iPhone 13s are faulty

With the release of the iPhone 13, Apple is having problems with its new smartphones. Here are the details. .
 Apple confirms: Some iPhone 13s are faulty
READING NOW Apple confirms: Some iPhone 13s are faulty

Apple, which has officially started the sale of iPhone 13s recently, is on the agenda with a new problem. Customers, who have formed long queues in front of the store to buy the iPhone 13, report that this time there is an error in the iPhone 13.

Unable to communicate with Apple Watch either

Users who state that they cannot use Apple Music on iPhone 13 also state that there are problems with backup and recovery. Accordingly, according to the statement made by Apple, there is a bug with backup and recovery, as well as a transition error in macro mode.

This affects Apple Music. Users are having trouble accessing the music library and settings. It is stated that Apple devices experiencing the problem are the iPhone 13/Pro series, iPad 9 and the new iPad mini.

Apart from errors such as backup and recovery, macro mode error experienced, users cannot turn off macro mode once it is turned on. In addition, there are reports that the iPhone 13 series cannot communicate with the Apple Watch.

Apple, on the other hand, recommends users to reset their devices to fix these problems. However, it should be noted that this suggestion does not work for every user.

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