Apple Computers Have Bitcoin Whitepaper

Someone hid a Bitcoin Whitepaper review inside every copy of Apple MacOS shipped since 2017.
 Apple Computers Have Bitcoin Whitepaper
READING NOW Apple Computers Have Bitcoin Whitepaper

Someone hid a Bitcoin Whitepaper review inside every copy of Apple MacOS shipped since 2017.

In April 2021, a user named bernd178 on the MacOS Community Forum revealed a function called Virtual Scanner II, which is embedded in the Image Capture Utility and is not enabled by default. Virtual Scanner II includes an image of a bay in San Francisco and a PDF copy of the Bitcoin Whitepaper.

Bernd178, “Oddly enough, the bundle includes a PDF containing Satoshi Nakamoto’s original Bitcoin Whitepaper.” said.

Apple MacOS Includes Bitcoin Whitepaper

The Bitcoin (BTC) Whitepaper was found hidden inside Apple Mac computers released in 2017.

This Whitepaper, which can be accessed by every user in the macOS terminal, thanks to, became a hot topic in the Bitcoin and Apple community.

This mysterious discovery, made by a user named bernd178, was brought up by blogger Andy Baio. Baio showed that a copy of the Bitcoin Whitepaper can be opened by entering the commands below in the terminal application.

Open/System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/

Making a statement on the subject, Baio said;

“Why was the Bitcoin whitepaper chosen among all the documents in the world? Is there a secret Bitcoin maximalist working at Apple? The file name is “simpledoc.pdf” and only 184 KB,”

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