ApeCoin’s Company Discord Server Hacked: These Are Stolen!

The Discord server of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) behind ApeCoin (APE) has been affected for a period of time. Here are the details…
 ApeCoin’s Company Discord Server Hacked: These Are Stolen!
READING NOW ApeCoin’s Company Discord Server Hacked: These Are Stolen!

The Discord server of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), behind ApeCoin (APE), one of the most popular cryptocurrencies of recent times, has been affected for a certain period of time. Here are the details…

Attack on Discord server of ApeCoin (APE)’s inspiration

As we have previously reported as Kriptokoin.com, Bored Ape Yacht, inspired by ApeCoin, which was launched in the past days and instantly rises, There was a “phishing attack” on the Club. A phishing attack is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purportedly from reputable companies to encourage individuals to disclose personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers. In a tweet today, the company said that the official channel of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) on popular messaging service Discord has been hacked by a malicious individual who aims to trick users into printing NFTs on the popular Bored Ape collection. The tweet includes the following statements:

Do not mint anything on Discord right now. Our Discord was briefly compromised. We noticed it right away but please bear in mind: there are no hidden mintings/airdrops etc for April 1st. we don’t.

Phishing attacks proliferated in NFT-based projects

An agent that authenticates users and sends channel-wide notifications has been compromised, security researchers said. Clicking on malicious links that encourage users to mint a limited number of NFTs will lead to an illegal script that can steal the user’s NFTs and other wallet information, the researchers said. Other NFT-based Discord servers like Doodles, Shamanzs, and Nyoki using the same tool have also seen similar phishing messages.

As a result of Discord attacks on these NFT projects, Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) and Mutant Ape Kennel Club projects were also affected besides Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). Hacker stole NFT 8662 on the Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFT. Only one NFT has ever been stolen from BAYC’s Mutant Ape collection. On the other hand, two Doodles NFTs were also stolen.

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