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  • Another research that will be talked about a lot: Being in space for a long time changes the brains of astronauts!

Another research that will be talked about a lot: Being in space for a long time changes the brains of astronauts!

Being in space for a long time does not only affect people psychologically. A new study reveals that the brain structure of astronauts can also change during long space travels.
 Another research that will be talked about a lot: Being in space for a long time changes the brains of astronauts!
READING NOW Another research that will be talked about a lot: Being in space for a long time changes the brains of astronauts!

Long space travelers psychologically affect astronauts; this is real. But the psychological effect of space on the human body is not only. Much more seems to be happening from a neurological perspective. Being in space for an extended period of time has a transformative effect on the brain.

A recent study published in Scientific Reports examined MRI scans taken of 15 astronauts before their extended stays in space, during their return, and one month, three months, and six months after their return. These samples were compared with 16 non-astronauts serving in space as a control sample.

Analyzes have shown that astronauts experience an increase in perivascular areas (areas of the brain surrounding the blood vessels through which cerebrospinal fluid flows) after long-duration spaceflights. While this was a big change, it didn’t seem to be a problem as the astronauts did not experience any deterioration in their balance or visual memory.

assistant professor of pediatrics (neurology) at the Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine author Dr. “These findings have important implications for continuing space exploration,” Juan Piantino said in a statement. “It also forces you to think about some fundamental questions of science and how life evolved here on Earth.”

What’s going on in the human body in space?

When we reach space, the fluids in our body change. This is a result of not everything being pulled down by gravity. Our body undergoes certain changes, including getting rid of red blood cells, in order to regain balance or homeostasis. This change in the brain appears to be a result of this, and is seen before and after the first flight of astronauts on their first mission. Senior astronauts, on the other hand, do not seem to experience any changes in the perivascular space before and after their flight. “Experienced astronauts may have achieved some kind of homeostasis,” Piantino says.

The perivascular spaces in the brain are considered the underlying “hardware” of the glyphatic system. This is the system that clears the brain of metabolic proteins and works best during deep sleep. When the glyphatic system is not working very well, there is a buildup of metabolic proteins associated with the development of dementia. Perivascular spaces are known to enlarge as a person ages. “These findings not only help to understand the fundamental changes that occur during spaceflight, but also for people on Earth who experience diseases that affect the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid,” says


This is not the first study to look at the brains of space travelers. Previous research had identified an increase in the amount of gray matter in the upper part of the brain and a decrease in the lower part, again as a result of a shift in the cerebrospinal fluid.

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