Another platform caught in the TikTok trend

Social media platform Reddit will bring a new breath to video sharing with its TikTok-like feature. Here are the details!
 Another platform caught in the TikTok trend
READING NOW Another platform caught in the TikTok trend

After social media applications such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, Reddit also took a step towards becoming TikTok. The platform, which announced the Instagram-like Discover feature last month, which makes it easier for users to find subreddits that interest them, is now developing a tool similar to the TikTok Duet feature.

On Reddit, users can open discussions on everything from technology to politics to social media and have a dialogue with each other. It is also possible to share videos on the platform, but you cannot reply to a message directly with the video you took. While TikTok provides this opportunity, now Reddit has rolled up its sleeves.

Reddit will bring a new breath to video sharing

The only known detail about the new feature, which is still under development; You will be able to combine a shared video and your own video in a single frame. Thus, in cases where you cannot express your feelings with a written message, you will be able to reply directly to the person concerned with a video.

A Reddit spokesperson made a statement to TechCrunch on the subject. He stated that before making the new feature available, they will measure the pulse of users and investigate whether such a requirement is needed on the platform.

The spokesperson said they will start the beta process if they get enough positive feedback, adding:

In line with our work to help people engage with what matters to them using social audio, video, text, memes and more, We’re working with several Reddit communities to see if a new video feature is needed. We’ll start testing this new feature as we get feedback.

According to the transferred information, Reddit does not aim to rival TikTok with its new feature. He just wants to make it easier for users to better express their feelings while arguing with each other on the platform. Discover, which was announced last month, is one of the features developed for this purpose.

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