Anonymous claims responsibility for traffic jams in Moscow

Traffic was blocked in Moscow, the capital of Russia, due to the hacking of Yandex Taxi recently. The famous hacking group Anonymous claimed responsibility for the traffic jam in Moscow.
 Anonymous claims responsibility for traffic jams in Moscow
READING NOW Anonymous claims responsibility for traffic jams in Moscow

On Thursday morning, traffic jams were seen in the Russian capital, Moscow, like never before. While the cause of the traffic jam was just revealed, the famous hacking group Anonymous took responsibility.

Yandex’s taxi service hacked, traffic jammed

added 2 days ago

Anonymous hacked Yandex Taxi

The Yandex Taxi app was hacked to instruct dozens of drivers on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, one of Moscow’s main streets. Traffic on a part of the already congested street stopped for about 40 minutes, while Yandex worked to resolve the situation. Anonymous confirmed that the attack on the Yandex Taxi app was carried out in cooperation with the Ukrainian IT Army as part of the #OpRussia cyber campaign.

“On the morning of September 1, Yandex Taxi encountered an attempt by attackers to disrupt service. Several dozen drivers received bulk orders from Moscow’s main streets,” a Yandex spokesperson said. explained in his words. This incident was the first known example of hackers using a ride-hailing application to create traffic jams.

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