Social media platform Twitter has made a statement about the annoying video upload problem for Android. The platform is one of the most used social media networks with over 350 million active users. But there are some problems while uploading videos on this platform.
The social media giant stated that it is working to fix this problem, but there will be some situations for a while. Well, what was said in his statement from Twitter Support and Twitter Engineering accounts? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.
Twitter solves the video problem
When uploading videos to the social media platform Twitter, we encounter a very slow loading problem. Twitter, on the other hand, is solving this problem, according to its statement. The statement goes to improve on videos uploaded from Android phones to improve loading times. Now, videos that will be uploaded on Android 9 and above will be shared faster, provided that they are in 720p or lower resolution.

He stated that he will do some more work for higher resolution videos. In this way, videos with resolutions above 720p can be shared in the future. Although the social media platform does not specify a specific time for its explanations, it is expected to solve these problems in a short time. Because now smartphones can record videos up to 4K resolution. Note that the app must be up to date to use the improvements.
What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you also have problems uploading videos to Twitter, does the solution affect you? You can comment or share your thoughts on the SDN Forum.