Animated Questions Will Be Added to Driving License Exams

Animated Questions Will Be Added to Driving License Exams

A small change is made that will increase the efficiency in the driver’s license exams, which hundreds of thousands of people take every year. For the first time, animated questions will take place in the exams organized in the e-Exam format.

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer announced that such a decision was taken in order to increase the clarity of the questions. In addition to this innovation, which will allow the behaviors to be measured to be revealed more clearly, it is planned to prepare questions in sign language.

Sign language questions will also be added.

According to the statement from the Ministry of National Education, animations will be added to the visual content used in the driver’s license exam. In this way, the content of the questions and what is requested from the participant will be presented more clearly and richly. These animated questions, prepared for the candidates to better understand the real-life situations during the exam, have already been placed in the practice exams published on the website of the General Directorate of Measurement, Evaluation and Exam Services. In other words, if you are preparing to take the driver’s license exam, you can click on the link we have provided to see what you will encounter.

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer, who said, “The application will contribute to the clear presentation of the behaviors that are intended to be measured, as well as making the questions more understandable,” in his statements on the subject, explained another arrangement to be made in the questions for the hearing-impaired participants with the following words: It will not only make it more understandable, but also contribute to the clear presentation of the behaviors that are desired to be measured. We continue to work on the preparation of driver training sets and animated questions in sign language for our hearing impaired candidates. All our work is carried out with great devotion. I would like to thank all my colleagues who contributed