Android Summer Bootcamp Has Started!

Android bootcamp organized on Kotlin, created by the Google Developer Groups, will be with you with fun and educational webinars and colorful content.
 Android Summer Bootcamp Has Started!
READING NOW Android Summer Bootcamp Has Started!

Android Summer Bootcamp, which was organized for the first time last year by Google Developer Groups, will be held for the second time this year. Let’s take a look at the details of the event, which was held with 30,000 different participants.

The event, which will start on August 27 and continue for 5 weeks, brings together expert developers, trainees, and many developer candidates and experts.

Unique opportunity for developers!

Android Summey Bootcamp, which is a training program on Android, is full of trainings and activities that help participants improve themselves in the field of application development in a total of 54 hours this year.

Within the scope of the trainings, it is aimed that the participants have a good command of topics such as Kotlin Basic, Layouts, Navigation, RecyclerView, Connect to the Internet, Build and Interactive App, Data Persistance and Compose Basic. You can find the Android Summer Bootcamp participation form here.

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