Android 11 is the most used version

Android 11 operating system is the most widely used version according to the tables. Android 12, on the other hand, has still not reached significant rates due to the lack of fast updates.
 Android 11 is the most used version
READING NOW Android 11 is the most used version

The slowness or negligence of the Android ecosystem in updating has been causing a problem and confusion that has not been resolved for years. Soon, the Android 13 update will reach the final version, but a multi-part structure still continues.

The latest figures of the Android ecosystem

Google has not shared the usage rates of Android versions for a long time. The reason is to compare with iOS. Instead, it started to publish statistics on the developer console in 6-month periods to guide a little more.

iPhone users attention

Added 3 days ago

Android 11 version according to May report It has the highest usage rate with 28.3 percent. Android 10 version followed it with 23.9 percent, Android 9 version had 16.2 percent and Android 8 version had 11.6 percent share.

The interesting thing is that the usage rates for Android 12 are not specified. It is estimated that Android 12 version is currently unlisted as it is prepared to better explain which versions will support the oldest versions of the developers. However, it can be found to be around 5 percent with a rough calculation.

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