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Alternative Transport Products Obligation to Chain Markets

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change has brought a new obligation to chain markets. According to the regulations, chain stores will now have to have alternative transportation products made of cloth, net or paper. Market bags cannot be sold over 25 cents.
 Alternative Transport Products Obligation to Chain Markets
READING NOW Alternative Transport Products Obligation to Chain Markets

In a content we shared with you last week, we said that the government’s share of paid grocery bags increased to 25 cents for a while, and that a raise could be made for grocery bags. Today, there has been a new development on this subject. The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change made a new statement on the subject. In this statement, it was stated that there will be no hike in grocery bags. It was also stated that some new obligations were introduced for chain markets.

In the statements made by the Ministry, it was stated that some changes were made in the “Procedures and Principles Regarding the Pricing of Plastic Bags”. Within the scope of these changes, chain stores will now have to offer alternative transportation products to their customers. In this context; Products such as paper, mesh or cloth bags will have to be offered to chain market customers for a fee or free of charge.

Cloth, paper or nets will be located near the crates.

In the new regulation of the Ministry, “The base fee to be applied to plastic bags in 2022 is 25 cents including taxes per piece. Starting from January 01, 2022 until the end of 2022, the fee to be applied for all bags subject to sale is 25 cents per piece, including taxes, and a less or more fee is charged. unenforceable.” These statements mean that grocery bags can be purchased for 25 cents in 2022.

The new article added to the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Pricing of Plastic Bags is as follows: “Chain markets/stores keep plastic bags as well as paper and/or cloth and net and similar alternative multi-use transport equipment in their boxes, and the equipment is paid/free if requested by the customer. provides.”

In the statements made on the subject, it was stated that cloth, paper or nets will be found near the safes and will be made available to everyone. . .

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