Alternative Restoration Designs of Maiden’s Tower

Alternative Restoration Designs of Maiden’s Tower

In fact, it is clear what will come out of it, there are people who don’t like it as much as there are people who like it. However, the main point we would like to mention is that the restoration works in the country cause anxiety in people. In other words, even if the Maiden’s Tower is completely destroyed or a shanty house emerges from under it, we are in a position to not be surprised. Moreover, there is a really expert team behind this work, but still, everyone is worried because of the old examples.

We wanted to criticize the situation (not the restoration team) by producing absurd restoration ideas, and we benefited from Midjourney while doing this. Let’s see how the results came out?

The restoration of the Maiden’s Tower has been going on since the fall of 2022. It was even thought to have been destroyed.

Then it turned into a construction site, Maiden’s Tower… We were seriously worried about what might come from underneath.

After all, we are experienced in restoration disasters.

Perhaps the Maiden’s Tower would also experience the fate of this mosque.

Or PVC windows would be installed as they were done in centuries-old mosques.

In fact, it was shared how the new version of the Maiden’s Tower would be, but let’s save it for last. First, let’s take a look at some “absurdly restored Maiden’s Tower variations” that we wouldn’t be surprised if they emerged from under that cover:

For example, it wouldn’t be a surprise if its new state looked like a skyscraper. After all, they sprouted like mushrooms in Istanbul and spread unevenly.

Or a shopping mall could be built by filling the sea. Because shopping malls were built even in disaster assembly areas in this country.

It could have been a 5 star hotel. There is no need for a forest fire to build a hotel.

How about a gold leaf Maiden’s Tower? It looks like a bible as well.

What if we built a masjid and the Maiden’s Tower as a minaret?

How is the “Water Cup-shaped Maiden’s Tower”, which can be a sister to the teacup-shaped building in Rize?

The idea of ​​a hookah-shaped Maiden’s Tower is also very attractive.

The idea of ​​an apartment-shaped Maiden’s Tower that will benefit from the zoning amnesty should also be considered.

A house built in the form of a castle should also be among the options, it can be sold to foreigners and given citizenship. After all, there are many examples in Bursa.

Let’s at least build a lighthouse. It facilitates the work of tankers passing through the Bosphorus.

The most logical reason: Let’s demolish it completely. Maiden’s Tower is now a lifetime for you.

Let’s get back to reality. The current state looks like this. So what will the Maiden’s Tower look like when the restoration is completely finished?

According to the information on the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the final version will be as follows:

Kidding aside, the Maiden’s Tower really needed restoration.

But there are still those who do not like the final version; So do you think the last version is better or the old version?