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Advice from AMD for businesses to upgrade their IT infrastructure

In today's competitive market, the business must make strategic technology investments to ensure long-term efficiency, security and competitiveness. Many organizations neglect to invest in new hardware such as servers for fear of upfront costs.
 Advice from AMD for businesses to upgrade their IT infrastructure
READING NOW Advice from AMD for businesses to upgrade their IT infrastructure
In today’s competitive market, the business must make strategic technology investments to ensure long-term efficiency, security and competitiveness. Many organizations neglect to invest in new hardware such as servers for fear of upfront costs, but failure to upgrade and maintain servers can often lead to higher capital and operating costs.

Accelerating innovation: Why is it important to upgrade your hardware?

This is not the only potential consequence of not upgrading your hardware. Businesses migrating to new systems have a better chance of accessing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) that can enable them to make faster decisions, gain new insights and increase productivity like never before. This means that organizations that continue to run outdated systems risk falling behind their competitors when it comes to innovation and losing customers who demand modern, customized experiences.

This is more important than ever for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Before AMD introduced the EPYC series of server processors in 2017, there was a lack of competition in the x86 server industry. This meant that the pace of innovation was slow, resulting in modest performance gains from generation to generation. But in recent years, new hardware has emerged to enable businesses to innovate, achieve results faster, and even minimize initial capital investments and ongoing operational expenses.


Naturally, one of the most important factors for businesses delaying hardware upgrades is cost, but organizations also need to consider the cost of doing nothing.

A major hardware upgrade, such as going through a major digital transformation project, moving to new on-premises hardware, or moving from legacy infrastructure to service consumption models like SaaS, can seem really expensive. However, once your organization fulfills this task, operational costs are likely to decrease.

For example, upgrading to AMD EPYC CPU-powered systems with high core counts not only reduces the need for IT management and regular maintenance, but also reduces the total number of servers that organizations need to host more users and workloads per server, reducing the number of servers needed to power and cool new systems. means it can reduce the amount of electricity.

What’s more, upgrading to AMD EPYC, which is widely used across AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud platforms, also reduces your capital expenditures by enabling your business to leverage service models such as SaaS, IaaS, and hybrid cloud. In doing so, businesses can reduce annual costs by up to 52%, use 63% fewer VMware vSphere licenses, and renew with 81% fewer servers and gain 10% more performance/cores.


Businesses that continue to rely on legacy server hardware may find that performance slows over time. This not only leads to slower output, higher failure rates and potential security breaches, but can also result in higher maintenance costs. After all, businesses risk even more costly server downtime if they don’t continue to invest in these obsolete systems.

With an up-to-date system, organizations can be confident that poor server performance and the resulting consequences will be a thing of the past. For example, the AMD EPYC 7003 Series, ranked as the world’s fastest x86 server processors, delivers industry-leading performance across a wide range of workload types, with over 250 world records.

Here is a potential upgrade scenario. Based on industry standard SPECrate2017_int_base benchmarks, comparable integer performance can be achieved with seven 2P Intel Xeon Platinum 8380 or only five 2P AMD EPYC 7763 CPU-based servers, replacing twenty ~4 year 2P Intel Xeon E5-2699A v4 CPU-based servers.

With the EPYC x86 server processor solution that fits seamlessly into existing x86 infrastructures, your organization can achieve results faster and achieve better business outcomes. Newer hardware can also empower businesses to use faster and more agile ways to promote online and find customers, enabling your organization to deliver customized services and products, and maximize inventory and shipping by leveraging innovative features like virtual prototyping and AI-powered recommendations.

lower power consumption

More and more businesses are concerned with making sustainable choices, from reducing waste and using sustainable materials to switching to renewable energy sources. However, those who continue to use outdated hardware may be undoing much of the hard work they’ve done in other areas of the organization.

Replacing legacy or inefficient technologies can not only reduce the carbon emissions generated by data centers, the amount of heat produced and the required system cooling, but can also lower the operating cost of data centers.

AMD EPYC processors power the most energy-efficient x86 servers, helping businesses minimize the environmental impact of their data center operations while advancing their sustainability goals. For example, achieving 10,000 unit integer performance using servers with 2P AMD EPYC 7763 processors compared to servers with 2P Intel Xeon Platinum 8380 processors will result in 33 percent fewer servers using 50 percent less space and 42 percent less power, and a three-year total cost of ownership ( TCO) can be reduced by up to 36 percent.


Relying on aging hardware not only results in higher energy consumption, but can also increase the likelihood of your company being breached. Five-year-old hardware was never designed to handle high-risk workloads and security challenges; this means that organizations using outdated servers run the risk of falling victim to hackers and violating data privacy regulations.

But modern server hardware is designed to deal with the ever-increasing cybersecurity threats. AMD EPYC processors, for example, feature a fully integrated security processor that helps provide the level of protection business users expect, along with a variety of additional features to help keep sensitive data safe. The security processor helps support secure system boot and houses encryption keys.


Thanks to the latest technology, organizations can make instant decisions based on large amounts of data points. To gain this competitive advantage, you need to make sure you’re working efficiently, and a key component of working smarter, not harder, is using modern infrastructure. If you continue to rely on outdated systems, you may find yourself lagging behind when it comes to innovation.

With the high core count and scalability of 3rd Gen AMD EPYC processor-based servers, enterprises can easily host applications such as machine learning (ML) and scientific simulations, and leverage the best of new capabilities in artificial intelligence (AI), high performance computing (HPC) and data analytics. can take advantage of.

At a time when data is more important than ever, and security and performance are paramount, 3rd Gen AMD EPYC processors are the smart choice for organizations looking to upgrade their outdated hardware. Not only can this help your business lower its Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), it can also increase productivity and agility in an ever-changing market.

AMD online calculators can help you competitively compare the performance, costs, power-saving projects, CO2 emissions and more of various CPUs. To access these tools, please visit https://www.amd.com/en/processors/epyc-tools.

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