Advertising options and advantages increase with Yandex Mobile Ads SDK 6th version

Advertising options and advantages increase with Yandex Mobile Ads SDK 6th version

Yandex Mobile Ads SDK 6 version introduced by Yandex offers new digital application opportunities. A new ad format and improvements to existing ones in this SDK version stand out as the most important advantage. App developers can now add ads to the app installation screen and earn additional income. This format allows controlling the frequency of ad displays, as well as allowing banners to be displayed both when the application is opened and when switching from another application. App Open Ads allows developers to add ads to the app’s loading screen. Developers can independently adjust the frequency of advertising and the parameters of displaying the announcement. They can only set it when they first open the app or at every startup; They can even choose which category of users to show ads to for users who have reached a certain level or have been using the app for more than a week.

Speed ​​and compatibility in ads with Yandex Mobile Ads SDK 6

Changes made in SDK 6 also affected the rewarded ad format. In addition to classic video ads, text-graphic and multi-ad templates are also available. Users also have the option to turn off such ads without receiving any reward. In addition, thanks to the improvements, ad loading was accelerated and their sizes were adjusted automatically, allowing banners to be integrated into applications more smoothly.

User-specific algorithm with Yandex Divkit technology

Yandex DivKit technology, which automatically assembles the ad layout within the server without the need to publish a new application, is now supported in all ad formats. Thanks to the algorithm, the most attractive set of creative elements and their placement in the ad can be selected for each user. Thus, their ads become more attractive and noticeable to users; This increases the likelihood of conversion and the profits of the app developers.

Ease and speed in size control

With the new SDK version, automatic size adaptation for banners specific to each application has arrived. Developers can control this feature with two methods: stickySize and inlineSize. While StickySize stands out as a feature designed for small strip banners that do not take up more than 15 percent of the screen height, inlineSize can be used for adaptable banners embedded in the content.

Yandex Mobile Ads SDK helps generate revenue from apps on iOS and Android platforms through Yandex Advertising Network. More than 10,000 applications generate income using Yandex’s monetization technologies. The Yandex Mobile Ads SDK ad auction includes more than 300,000 direct advertisers and more than 80 DSP networks. You can find more information about the new SDK version on the website.