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Account information of 5.4 million Twitter users stolen is up for sale

Due to a security vulnerability in Twitter, 5.4 million users' account information was stolen in January. Now that stolen account information is for sale on Breached Forums.
 Account information of 5.4 million Twitter users stolen is up for sale
READING NOW Account information of 5.4 million Twitter users stolen is up for sale

A verified Twitter vulnerability in January was exploited by a hacker to allegedly extract account data from 5.4 million users. Although Twitter has since patched the vulnerability, the database allegedly obtained from this exploit is being sold on a popular hacking forum.

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Back in January, a report was published on HackerOne about a vulnerability that allowed users to retrieve the phone number and email address associated with their Twitter account. This bug was specific to Twitter’s Android app. Later, this vulnerability was fixed by Twitter. However, Twitter did not comment on the stolen user account information.

Seller wants at least $30,000 for stolen account information of 5.4 million Twitter users

Recently, a new user has been noticed on Breached Forums, the famous hacking forum that has attracted international attention, selling its Twitter database. The post is currently still live, with the alleged Twitter database of 5.4 million users being for sale.

A few hours after the post went live, the owner of Breach Forums confirmed the authenticity of the leak and also pointed out that it was mined through the vulnerability in the HackerOne report. The news site Restoreprivacy contacted this seller. The seller said all the information was already disclosed in the HackerOne report, and asked at least $30,000 for the currently available database due to Twitter’s incompetence. Twitter has not yet received a comment.

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