Accidents Caused by Tofaş Cars

Accidents Caused by Tofaş Cars

Have you seen the accidents involving Tofaş group cars before? All accidents are dangerous. These accidents that result in loss of life are constantly happening in our country and in the world. Companies and engineers are trying to prevent the cars from getting into an accident, both with the software and with the durability of the materials used in the new cars they release. Today’s cars include features such as automatic braking and lane control, which are used to regularly control what the driver normally does. Of course, we have a few more years ahead of us for these technologies to develop and become widespread.

Although many years have passed since its debut, Tofaş group cars, which are still the general vegetation of traffic in our country, are preferred due to factors such as being cheaper than other cars and still having a considerable fan base. Of course, the fact that a car is loved, preferred and cheap does not mean that it is safe. Today we will list the accidents involving Tofaş cars. There are countless old model and unsafe cars on the roads of our country, but due to the abundance of cars such as Şahin and Doğan, we will include these cars in our content today.

Why do Tofaş cars split into two at the time of an accident?

Tofaş group cars were last produced in our country in 2002. In other words, even the latest models of Tofaş are 20 years old. When we look at the general, it is seen that cars between the ages of 20 and 30 are on the roads. Of course, being this old causes corrosion and metal fatigue. This fatigue damages the integrity of the car, but this alone does not cause the car to split in two.

The chassis system of TOFAŞ brand vehicles was also not at a sufficient level. In addition to the poor design of the vehicle, the attachment points were not sufficient. If we proceeded with the motto that a vehicle is only as strong as its weakest point, the vehicle could be torn apart in an accident due to its weak connection points. Finally, TOFAŞ, which constantly entered the industry, could almost be rebuilt. Although it seemed logical to collect two pert vehicles and obtain a working vehicle, it almost destroyed the durability of the vehicles. All these reasons caused TOFAŞ brand vehicles to be unstable.

Images of some accidents involving Tofaş vehicles

Accidents where cars split into two

Other serious Tofaş accidents

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Editorial comment

As your editor who wrote this content, I have been researching Tofaş accidents for a while now. Some of them are fatal accidents that I cannot share here. I am also a Tofaş Doğan user and I understand very well those who love this car. I love my car too, but that wasn’t the only reason I bought this car.

It was also difficult for me to write this content because after I write these lines, I will get into the traffic again by getting in such a car. Even though I am careful and not speeding in traffic, I realized that I need to be even more careful. Because unfortunately my car, no matter how good it is, is not capable of protecting me and my friends in it. I would love to renew my car as soon as I can, but I am also aware that this is not a very short-term scenario.

What I can recommend to people who drive these cars is that it may be a cliché, but be careful. You come to life once and you only have one chance to make a mistake in traffic. For this reason, you need to prevent not only your own mistake, but also the fault of the other person. For this you will need extra attention. We hope that you do not encounter an incident similar to the accidents in today’s content.