Ability to Transfer Screenshots and Videos to PS5 to Phone

Ability to Transfer Screenshots and Videos to PS5 to Phone

PlayStation 5 users seem to fill social media with lots of game images with a new feature coming. Until now, PlayStation 5 users needed extra equipment to transfer a video they took or a screenshot they took to their mobile devices, or users had to upload these images to social media from the console and then download them to their devices. However, it seems that this problem is a thing of the past.

The feature that Playstation lovers have been waiting for and wanting for a while has finally arrived. As the Gaming Interactive Photos Twitter account and VGC reported, the PlayStation 5 will now be able to automatically upload players’ latest screenshots and videos directly to mobile devices.

Feature rolled out worldwide

The new feature, which has already been in beta testing in some regions for a while, seems to be rolling out worldwide now. Within the scope of the new feature, it is reported that the videos that will be transferred to mobile devices can be up to 3 minutes and that the screenshots and videos will have a 14-day storage period.

What you need to do to check whether this feature is available on your console is quite simple.

In case the feature is also available on your console, when you enter the Media Gallery you will see a pop-up window at the top. Here, it is entirely up to you whether you want the console to automatically upload your latest screenshots to mobile devices from the Media Gallery options, or choose to keep these images and videos on your PlayStation 5 system.