While the race to produce robots in nanometer size, which is one billionth of a meter in the scientific world, continues, today, another success has been achieved in the goal of reaching these robots. Scientists at Cornell University have developed a robot that is small enough to dance on a single strand of your hair, “which stays the size of an ant even next to an ant”.
Moreover, new robots called ‘Antbots’, which can be produced in large numbers, can operate autonomously. However, the term ‘autonomous’ in these robots is not used to mean that the robot can make its own decisions, but to the ability to move on its own without any outside intervention.
Here’s how the robot can move around your strand of hair:
According to the shared details, the robot consists of three main systems. One is a photovoltaic cell that takes power from light, the other is a small integrated circuit to control and direct that power, and finally a series of hinged legs it uses to move.
According to the university’s statement, newly developed robots may have uses such as environmental cleaning and monitoring, monitoring and stimulation of cells, and microscopic surgery until the delivery of drugs to the targeted point. Robots have sizes ranging from just 100 to 250 micrometers (one thousandth of a millimeter).
The scientists who developed the robot published their work in the journal Science Robotics.