A new way to communicate with aliens has emerged!

According to the latest research of scientists, aliens can communicate with each other or with humans through quantum communication.
 A new way to communicate with aliens has emerged!
READING NOW A new way to communicate with aliens has emerged!

Scientists are getting more and more different developments day by day with their studies on aliens. The latest research has been about alien communication. According to the research, aliens can communicate with each other and with humans using quantum physics. Here are the details!

Messages via quantum can take several years to arrive

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have demonstrated that it is theoretically possible to send signals through interstellar space using quantum communications. For this, they used mathematical calculations.

The team also explores the possibility of extraterrestrials trying to communicate with us using such signals. Quantum communication takes advantage of quantum physics to protect data. Quantum laws, on the other hand, allow light particles to be in more than one state at the same time.

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome before setting up quantum networks is their brittleness, say the authors of the new study, published in a scientific journal called Physical Review D. That’s why researchers continue their work.

Theoretical physicists Arjun Berera and Jaime Caldeon-Figueroa, lead authors of the study, did a lot of calculations. This calculation was based on the movement of X-rays through the vacuum of space to check for potential mismatch. At the same time, Berera said that the fact that aliens use quantum networks to talk to each other or to humans is a theory, but opens an important avenue for investigating extraterrestrial life.

Berera added that the transfer of information possible with quantum would make it more interesting to an extraterrestrial intelligence in the cosmos. However, a fully functioning quantum computer is needed to solve this. “Information transmitted through quantum networks cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Therefore, it may take several years for the messages to reach their destination.” The authors of the study concluded that:

Based on these findings, we can add quantum communication as well as classical communication to possible ways aliens may be chatting to each other or perhaps trying to introduce themselves to humans. In principle, it should be possible to detect a quantum signal from an astrophysical body or even an intelligent signal from an extraterrestrial civilization.

So, what do you think about quantum communication? Do you think it’s possible for aliens to communicate with each other or with humans via quantum? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section.

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