A New Pyramid and Hundreds of Mummies Discovered in Egypt

Archaeologists, who continued their excavations in Egypt, unearthed hundreds of new mummies and a new pyramid. It was determined that the pyramid belonged to a queen whose name had never been heard before.
 A New Pyramid and Hundreds of Mummies Discovered in Egypt
READING NOW A New Pyramid and Hundreds of Mummies Discovered in Egypt

New discoveries have been made in Ancient Egypt, one of the largest and most mysterious civilizations in human history. At the foot of the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, many coffins and tunnels belonging to new mummies have been unearthed, archaeologists said. A new pyramid was also discovered.

It is estimated that the many mummies discovered belonged to Tutankhamun’s closest generals and advisers. Detailed explanations about the discovered mummies were also shared.

The number of coffins is 300 in total:

  • Zahi Hawass next to newly discovered mummies.

Egyptologist Zahi Hawass, who spoke to Live Science and worked on the excavation, explained that the new discovery found tunnels ranging in length from 9-18 meters and a total of 300 coffins. Each of these coffins belonged to the ‘New Kingdom’ period in Ancient Egypt, which lasted from 1500 BC to 1070 BC.

Each of the coffins found features different faces, distinguishes between men and women, and each is decorated with decorations depicting the Ancient Egyptian funerary text ‘Book of the Dead’. However, each coffin had the name of the person inside, and some had the name of the person who embalmed the person.

Archaeologists who opened the mummy again encountered something surprising. The mummies were quite well preserved compared to other mummies. In addition, there were various items, figures and statuettes in the coffins.

The surprising aspect of the discovery was that it was thought that nothing belonging to the period in question could be found in this area until today.

A brand new pyramid was also discovered:

New excavations have also discovered a pyramid belonging to a previously unknown and unheard of queen. Archaeologists stated that the queen’s name was Neith, and this name has not been mentioned in any archives to date. However, no further information was shared.

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