A new day in cryptocurrency scams

Cyber ​​attackers pretending to have invested Ethereum in Qubit Finance bridge contracts have signed the seventh largest cryptocurrency heist in DeFi history.
 A new day in cryptocurrency scams
READING NOW A new day in cryptocurrency scams

Now, every week we hear about a new scam in the world of cryptocurrencies. It is not known whether the attackers worked harder on these issues, but very high losses began to be experienced in crypto currency scams.

Qubit Finance has been hacked

Qubit Finance, one of the important bridge platforms that offer transfers between different blockchains in the crypto money world, was attacked during the week. It has been announced that the platform, which also offers operations such as savings and dividend distribution, was attacked due to a flaw in the QBridge protocol.

The attackers created massive xETH collateral, making it appear as if they had deposited a total of 77,000 qXETH bridge Ethereum into the contracts. He then converted and withdrawn them as 206,809 BNB coins. There was a total loss of 80 million dollars. The attack is stated to be the seventh major attack in DeFi history.

Qubit Finance has stopped all pool transactions and it is stated that the extracted assets are being tracked. A message was also sent to the attacker and a reward was offered. However, it is not yet clear whether the attacker will return what he stole.

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