A malware targeting cryptocurrency wallets has emerged

Those who use the browser plug-ins of MetaMask and similar crypto wallets, beware! A new malware has emerged that targets your private keys.
 A malware targeting cryptocurrency wallets has emerged
READING NOW A malware targeting cryptocurrency wallets has emerged

Cryptocurrency wallets today are too numerous to count, and they all have huge numbers of users. Cyber ​​attackers targeting crypto money wallets valued at billions of dollars are also not idle.

Attention MetaMask users!

A malware called Mars Stealer targets cryptocurrency wallets used as browser plug-ins. About 40 wallet plugins such as MetaMask, Binance, and Coinbase are under threat.

Attention those who have crypto money!

Added 3 days ago

The new software, which is based on the Oski trojan, can be included in the files you download from torrent sites or FTP addresses without paying attention. As soon as you land on the system, it scans the keys of crypto wallets or two-stage security solutions or text files that you hold. It deletes itself by copying any information it finds.

The software is not active on systems using Kazakh, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Belarusian and Russian languages. It can infect all Chromium-based browsers except Firefox and Opera. It attacks both of them by constantly trying the user information it holds.

The Mars Stealer software is sold on black market forums with a price tag of $140. There’s no doubt that countless attackers have already bought it for its relatively low price. Experts strongly urge you not to download unfamiliar files and not to click on links.

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