A Major ETH Address Moves For The First Time In 6 Years

An ETH address containing 1,947 ETH has moved for the first time since 2015. You can follow us on our Twitter and Telegram channel to be instantly informed about the last minute developments.
 A Major ETH Address Moves For The First Time In 6 Years
READING NOW A Major ETH Address Moves For The First Time In 6 Years

An ETH address containing 1,947 ETH has moved for the first time since 2015.

You can follow us on our Twitter and Telegram channel to be instantly informed about the last minute developments. According to

Whale Alert, an address containing 1,947 ETH worth approximately $5.1 million moved for the first time since 2015. The wallet has made a huge gain of about 220,799% over the past six and a half years.


As it is known, Ethereum was first announced in 2014 and launched in 2015. ETH, which started trading at $ 2.77 on the Kraken exchange, later fell to $ 0.66 after the selling pressure it faced.

Awakened Bitcoin Wallets

As we have mentioned before, many old wallets moved after years with the rise in Bitcoin in the past months. Wallets with a high amount of Bitcoin in it, just as in the example above, made great gains.

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