A Magnificent Galactic Collision Has Been Recorded

The Hubble Space Telescope recorded a galactic collision, which, while bad for galaxies, is enormous for us because of the image it produces.
 A Magnificent Galactic Collision Has Been Recorded
READING NOW A Magnificent Galactic Collision Has Been Recorded

Although this year’s star is the James Webb Space Telescope, we have already told you about the findings of the Hubble Space Telescope, which was launched into space in 1990 and has been actively providing data to scientists ever since.

Again, we are faced with a finding from the Hubble Space Telescope. The 30-year-old telescope has captured a galactic collision 670 million light-years from Earth. Let’s take a look at the photos of the event together.

Hubble scheduled to be retired in 2030

Hubble’s latest image shows the Arp-Madore 417-391 galactic merger. The two galaxies were pulled together by their gravity and twisted into a giant ring, creating this enormous image.

The image was obtained thanks to Hubble’s onboard Advanced Survey Camera (ACS), designed for just such events—such as detecting distant and ancient galaxies. The Hubble Space Telescope is planned to be retired in 2030, but it is also known that NASA and SpaceX are working to extend the life of the telescope.

What do you think about this magnificent astronomical event? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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