A Hamster Beats Giants in Crypto Trading

A mouse who chooses a crypto currency and randomly invests in these coins or withdraws his investment attracts everyone's attention with the success(!) he has achieved in the markets.
 A Hamster Beats Giants in Crypto Trading
READING NOW A Hamster Beats Giants in Crypto Trading

Burton Gordon Malkiel, an economist and writer, has put forward an interesting theory in his book A Random Walk Down Wall Street, which is translated into our language as Random Walk in the Stock Exchange. According to this theory, a blindfolded monkey throwing darts at a list of stocks in the newspaper could do just as well as human investment professionals.

While this theory seemed to have been put forward to criticize investment experts, a new experiment seems to have justified it. Only this time, what is invested is cryptocurrencies and Mr. A hamster named Goxx.

More successful than big companies

Mr. Although it is possible to watch every move of the mouse named Goxx live, it is of course a question mark how logical it is to make instant investments. Still, the success of the cute investor during the experiment is remarkable.

Working in his “office”, which was built in addition to his own mouse house, the small investor first makes his choice in the circle of 30 different cryptocurrencies. Afterwards, he decides to buy and sell by going through the tunnels in his office. The investment is made automatically according to the mouse movements.

Mr. Goxx’s success in the market is no small feat. The tiny hamster, which gained about 24%, both surpassed the earnings rates of the institutions on the S&P 500 list and managed to exceed the increase of bitcoin in this process.

Not the first example

On the other hand, the first animal to confirm Malkiel’s words was Mr. Not Goxx. In an experiment conducted in 2013, a cat named Orlando, a team of investment experts and middle school children faced each other in an experiment. In that experiment, while the children from the three groups who invested with an imaginary £5,000 lost their income, the income of the investment experts was below the income of Orlando, the cat who randomly tossed his favorite toy to the list of stocks.

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