Frightening research: Are smartphones driving suicide?

According to a study, smartphone use negatively affects the mental health of young adults aged 18-24.
 Frightening research: Are smartphones driving suicide?
READING NOW Frightening research: Are smartphones driving suicide?

Sapien Labs, a non-profit organization that studies mental changes in humans, recently published a new report. Revealing that smartphone use has a large share in the decline in mental health of young adults between the ages of 18-14, researchers also made a comparison of ‘before and after the internet’.

It is stated that when there is no internet, people interact face-to-face with their peers and families for an average of 15 thousand to 25 thousand hours until the age of 18; After the internet, it was noted that this number fell to the range of 1,500 to 5,000 hours.

The link between smartphone use and suicidality

According to Tara Thiagarajan, a Sapien Labs scientist, such a reduction in social interaction, such as interpreting facial expressions, body language, physical contact, and experience. It hinders the development of important skills, such as emotional response to the event.

Thiagarajan noted that people who do not have these skills can be isolated from society, and as a result, their potential to commit suicide may increase.

In the study, which was conducted with the participation of 223 thousand people from 34 countries, it was revealed that the decline in the mental health of young adults aged 18-24 is directly proportional to the increase in smartphone use after 2010. Before that date, young adults were the most psychologically healthy, but after 2010 the tide was reversed.

Do you have these symptoms?

If you meet certain criteria, you may be in the “suicidal group” that is the subject of this research.

  • Are you obsessed? Do you have strange or unwanted thoughts?
  • Do you feel disconnected from reality?
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Sadness, distress and feelings of hopelessness
  • Thoughts of ending one’s life

According to the data in the same report, the time people spend online is 7 Between -10 hours. Considering that 1 day is 24 hours, there is very little time left for physical socialization. Researchers interpret this situation as a result of social isolation.

With the COVID-19 epidemic, digitalization in all areas of life, from education to business life, has made it possible for everyone from 7 to 70 to be connected to the internet. Those suffering from this issue can take advantage of apps that help them take control of their smartphone usage. Especially Digital Balance on Android and Screen Time on iPhone provide great benefits.

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