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Why Do People Often Sneeze Three Times in a Row?

Have you ever wondered why our body sneezes 3 times out of our control to throw out unwanted bacteria?
 Why Do People Often Sneeze Three Times in a Row?
READING NOW Why Do People Often Sneeze Three Times in a Row?

We need to sneeze frequently, especially in the spring months, which can be counted as the allergy season. You probably sneezed frequently during these periods when you were talking about the dust in the air, the pollen, the sun itself. So why did you think that one sneeze is usually not enough? The act of sneezing repeats 3 times for most people.

Even though sneezing spells sometimes get on our nerves, it’s actually something our body needs. We expel 2000 to 5000 bacteria in the form of droplets at a speed of 160 km per hour. So what could be the reason why our body has such a powerful throwing mechanism? Today we will explain to you why we sneeze, or even why we repeat it 3 times.

Why do people sneeze?

Sneezing can be explained in its simplest form as removing unwanted substances from the body. As we may need to sneeze due to small substances such as dust and pollen, we can also perform this action to expel diseases and bacteria that the body does not want. Even exposure to sunlight can cause us to have bouts of sneezing.

As for why we sneeze among all these reasons, it seems that our main organs that perform this process are the mucous membranes in our nose and throat. The mucous membranes that control the sneeze response may try to get rid of unwanted substances, sometimes with 3 or sometimes more sneezes instead of a single sneeze.

When our body starts sneezing, the chest muscles compress the lungs and throw this compressed air upwards. With the straits tightly closed, the accelerated air comes out by gushing up to 160 km/h. During the splash of air, 2000 to 5000 bacteria are expelled as droplets.

Why do we sneeze 3 times?

Although sometimes unwanted parts in the system are thrown out with a single strong sneeze, this is not always possible. That’s why the first sneeze removes the irritating parts. Undesirable parts that come up to the nose area with the second sneeze are thrown out with the third sneeze. Of course, each person’s sneezing pattern, cause and severity are different. For this reason, some people sneeze once, while others sneeze 3 times. If you often wonder why we sneeze over and over, it’s because the body is trying harder to get rid of unwanted parts.

Don’t hold back your sneeze.

You have seen how powerful a sneeze is. When you try to block such a strong air current, you may think that it hits your body. For this reason, it is extremely dangerous to close the air outlets so that there is less noise. This action, which can cause your veins to burst or even brain hemorrhage, harms your health, even if you don’t realize it.

Why is someone who sneezes called “bless you”?

As for why we say “bless you” to someone who sneezes, we have to go back thousands of years. In ancient Greek and Roman times, people thought that sneezing was a sign of health. That’s why they said “long live” to someone who sneezed. The history of saying “bless you” to people who sneeze today dates back to this.

Today we explained to you why we often sneeze 3 times. If you want more content like this, don’t forget to write to us in the comments section.

Source: 1, 2, 3

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