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The Story of the Founding and Fall of the Western Roman Empire

We all know Byzantium, that is, the Eastern Roman Empire, which was destroyed by Mehmet the Conqueror, but there is another side to it, namely the Western Roman Empire. Let's take a closer look at the story of the establishment and collapse of the Western Roman Empire, which has an important place in the history, even if it is not as long-lived as the East.
 The Story of the Founding and Fall of the Western Roman Empire
READING NOW The Story of the Founding and Fall of the Western Roman Empire

The Great Roman Empire is one of the first states to be established in the world. This state, which was a republic at first, later turned into an empire. As a result of some events over the centuries, this giant empire was divided into two as the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. We know that the eastern side, namely Byzantium, was destroyed by Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1453. But what happened to the Western Roman Empire?

Compared to the East, the Western Roman Empire had a rather short life span. It is still surprising for many historians that a state that formed the foundations of Europe survived in the east and collapsed in the west. However, if we consider the conditions of that day, it makes a lot of sense. Let’s take a closer look at the story of the establishment and collapse of the Western Roman Empire, about which we do not know much.

Founding and fall of the Western Roman Empire:

Who founded the Western Roman Empire?
When was the Western Roman Empire founded?
How many years did the Western Roman Empire last?
When did the Western Roman Empire fall?
How did the Western Roman Empire fall?
Western Roman emperors:

Who founded the Western Roman Empire?

The real great Roman Empire was founded by Augustus in 27 BC. This state, which already had a republican regime before, became an empire after Augustus took so much power to be a single man. You may have already heard that the Roman Empire conquered almost the entire known world within hundreds of years and became one of the most powerful states in the world.

Let’s come to our topic. The separation of this great empire into west and east, that is, the establishment of the Western Roman Empire, is not an event made by one person all at once. The empire was already so large that it was divided into provinces, and each province was governed by its own local courts and leaders. But there was always only one emperor.

Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus, who came to the throne in 284, chose an officer friend as co-emperor and created a dualism for the first time in the history of the state. So it is possible to say that the first separation started like this. Many events that followed resulted in the official division of the empire, which was already divided into two, by Theodosius I.

When was the Western Roman Empire founded?

To look at from a different perspective, when the Roman Republic turned into an empire and its eastern borders began to expand, it had already begun to split into two. Even if you go from one end to the other by plane, it is literally impossible to manage a state that will last for one day from a single center. Therefore, there were already different headquarters and different local leaders.

The Roman Empire’s two-headed administration, that is, having two emperors, started with Diocletian’s accession to the throne in 284. Although the name is the same, even the capital is different, these two structures began to shake a little with the ascension of Theodosius I and finally separated in 395 and took their place in the history as the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire.

How many years did the Western Roman Empire last?

Not much has changed after the Great Roman Empire split into two as the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire in 395. The dual system had already been used for many years and it was clear which side was stronger. Considering that the Eastern Roman Empire, that is, Byzantium, was destroyed by Fatih Sultan Mehmet after the conquest of Istanbul in 1453, the western side seems to have not come to the fore.

Although the Roman Empire was a state that formed the foundations of Europe, there were many powers outside of itself in the years when it was divided. After the Migration of Tribes, there was no one who took the Western Roman Empire seriously, as things were already mixed up. The western side, which gradually lost power over time, could only rule for 81 years.

When did the Western Roman Empire fall?

The Western Roman Empire, founded in one of Europe’s worst times; He had a short life full of rebellions. Even though they received a lot of support from the east, the state founded in 395 could only rule for 81 years and collapsed on September 4, 476. Of course, this is the exact date of destruction. Otherwise, he would have died a long time ago.

How did the Western Roman Empire fall?

Part of the answer to the question of how the Western Roman Empire collapsed is actually hidden in the answer to the question of why the Roman Empire was divided into two. The Migration of Tribes, which started in 375, turned the whole world upside down. The Germanic tribes, which Europe had not seen until that day, spread to every part of the continent in droves and engaged in numerous actions that they would be called barbarians.

The Western Roman Empire dominated most of Europe when it was first established in 395. What would destroy such a powerful state would be the terror created by the barbaric Germanic tribes. But this should not be seen as a simple terror, the Germanic tribes were literally occupying the most important provinces of the Western Roman Empire.

During the occupation of the Western Roman Empire, the eastern side did its best and even recaptured most of the occupied lands. However, all this was not enough and the west gradually lost power. When the proposal made by the King of Italy to become a federal state for the Western Roman Empire was also rejected, the King of Italy deposed the Western Roman Emperor and declared himself the King of the West after the meeting held on September 4, 476. Thus ended an era.

Western Roman emperors:

  • Maximian was the western emperor in the tetrarchy system applied before the state was divided into two.
  • Constantius Chlorus became emperor of the west in 293.
  • Constantius I Chlours reigned for only one year and is the father of Constantine the Great.
  • Valerius Severus reigned for only one year
  • Maxentius won the rebellion and ascended to the throne in 307.
  • Licinius became emperor of part of the west.
  • Honorius was the first emperor of the Western Roman Empire and ruled from 395 to 423.
  • Romulus Augustus was the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire and ruled from 475 to 476.

It has drawn your attention that the Western Roman emperors and the Western Roman Empire emperors are different. Because even before the Western Roman Empire was officially established, the west had a separate emperor with the tetrarchy system. In the intervening periods, the state was ruled sometimes by the east and sometimes by the council.

We talked about the establishment and collapse of the Western Roman Empire, which had a life of less than a century but left a mark on the history scene, and talked about the details you need to know about this state. You can share your thoughts in the comments.

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