Honey Bees Can Distinguish Odd and Even Numbers!

A new study by scientists has revealed that honey bees can distinguish between odd and even numbers. Thus, bees became the only animals other than humans that knew how to mate.
 Honey Bees Can Distinguish Odd and Even Numbers!
READING NOW Honey Bees Can Distinguish Odd and Even Numbers!

While studies are continuing to discover the abilities of animals in many fields, scientists are also trying to find animals that can distinguish between odd and even numbers within the scope of these studies. However, within the scope of these studies, no animals other than humans have been successful in separating odd and even numbers until today.

Scientists from Monash University in Australia announced that in their new research they published, honey bees can distinguish between odd and even numbers. Researchers have revealed that honey bees can perform matching tasks, which are considered abstract and high-level concepts in humans.

Bees know how to distinguish odd and even numbers:

Within the scope of the new study, honey bees were divided into two groups and the bees were suddenly Cards containing up to ten shapes were shown. One of these groups was trained to land on odd-numbered cards, while the other group was trained to land on even-numbered cards. The bees finally landed on the card they were supposed to land on with 80% accuracy.

In the next stage, the researchers exceeded the number 10, and this time added numbers such as 11 and 12 to the cards. The bees also achieved 70% success in these high numbered cards. The fact that bees, which have 960,000 neurons in their brains, perform the same function as humans with 86 billion neurons, led to another study.

Bill humans developed a simple artificial neural network this time and added only 5 neurons to this network. Then signals from 0 to 40 were given to the network and the network was asked to separate these signals as odd/even. The network performed this task with full accuracy, despite only 5 neurons. While this research provides new information about the relationship between the number of neurons and complex processes, it was stated that more research is needed on how bees learn to separate numbers.

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