e-Government Claim: 17-Year-Old Suspect Caught

There has been a new development in the claim that e-Government, which fell like a bomb on Turkey's agenda in the past days, was hacked. EGM announced that a 17-year-old teenager was caught 'trying to defraud journalists'.
 e-Government Claim: 17-Year-Old Suspect Caught
READING NOW e-Government Claim: 17-Year-Old Suspect Caught

In the past weeks, a terrible claim was made by İbrahim Haskoloğlu and Mesut Çevik on social media, which was also voiced by various famous names. According to this claim, e-Government and state-owned websites were hacked, and all information from citizens’ phone numbers to ID photos were seized.

While İbrahim Haskoloğlu was arrested by the authorities following the allegations, the Ministry of Interior denied the allegations on the same day. The last statement regarding the incident was made by the General Directorate of Security the other day. In the statement it shared, EGM announced that “there is absolutely no question of data being stolen”. Today, there has been a new and important development regarding e-Government claims.

17-year-old suspect was caught:

EGM, 17-year-old suspect ‘K.Ç’ who tried to defraud journalists with the allegation that personal data was stolen via e-Government in its new statement announced that he was caught. The statement made by the EGM was as follows:

“It has been understood that more than one journalist, especially journalist Fatih Altaylı, has been tried to be defrauded with the claim that personal data has been seized by hacking the e-Government system via social media in recent days. As a result of the studies carried out in this context; The child named K.Ç.(17), who tried to defraud the journalists in question, was caught in Bursa and legal proceedings were initiated against him.”

EGM announced in its last statement that a fraud network tried to commit fraud with the information obtained by obtaining the passwords of some individual users, and that action was taken against 3 people in this context.

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