User data is stolen with fake corporate requests

Cyber ​​attackers, who have tried to defraud users by imitating companies, are now trying to steal data such as home addresses and blackmail young women.
 User data is stolen with fake corporate requests
READING NOW User data is stolen with fake corporate requests

Internet giants, which have large user bases today, have to transmit certain data to security units if necessary. However, a gang emerged that demanded data from companies by imitating corporate identities.

Fake corporate requests

According to the situation unearthed in the USA, cyber attackers are trying to deceive internet giants by imitating emergency data requests from institutions. As a result, while obtaining fraudulent data, there are also people who go even further and force them to share their videos by obtaining the data of young women and children.

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There has been a large increase in similar complaints in the past month. In fact, it is stated that police patrols were sent to the addresses where more than one young woman lived or to the schools they attended. It is a matter of curiosity how institutional demand mechanisms are abused.

Companies such as Google, Meta, Snap state that they are checking whether the requests come from verified accounts or that the accounts are correct, and that they act together with the security forces. However, it is clear that the system has vulnerabilities.

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  • Cyber ​​attackers threatening

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