94% of Fortune 500 Executives Have a Blockchain Project Plan

94% of executives working in Fortune 500 companies have a blockchain project plan. You can follow us on our Twitter and Telegram channel to be instantly informed about the last minute developments.
 94% of Fortune 500 Executives Have a Blockchain Project Plan
READING NOW 94% of Fortune 500 Executives Have a Blockchain Project Plan

94% of executives working in Fortune 500 companies have a blockchain project plan.

According to a survey by Rapid Innovation of 200 executives from Fortune 500 companies, a massive 94% of executives have a blockchain project plan. Administrators are considering launching their own tokens, stepping into the metaverse, or exploring web 3.0.

Rapid Innovation CEO Jesse Anglen said:

I can’t help but think about the dilemma. The best Fortune 500 companies can do today is to invest heavily in R&D to help them gain a deep understanding of blockchain technology and its impact on their business so they can adapt, succeed, or become trivial.

Over the next 5-10 years, we see the crypto and blockchain industry continue to grow exponentially with passionate new entrants joining every day. Everyone from retail investors to corporations, wealth managers and ultimately sovereign nations will embrace this new technology in one way or another. It will impact every industry, not just finance, but art, collectibles, music, gaming, social networks, telecommunications, supply chains and more. We believe that any technology that brings greater freedom and economic prosperity to humanity will be a net positive for the world.”

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