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Mysterious Hepatitis Outbreak Continues to Spread

According to the World Health Organization's statement, at least one child has died in 12 countries due to mysterious hepatitis epidemics around the world so far. The information about the disease made us think, just as COVID-19 was ending, we were saved, and this is what we came up with.
 Mysterious Hepatitis Outbreak Continues to Spread
READING NOW Mysterious Hepatitis Outbreak Continues to Spread

It has been more than 2 years since COVID-19 entered our lives. After all the precautions, curfews, vaccines, masks, Luppo, toilet paper crisis, social distance, etc., we finally entered a period when COVID-19 lost its danger.

Just when we said we got rid of COVID-19, the World Health Organization worried us again with a statement it made. According to the World Health Organization’s statement, there is a mysterious hepatitis virus spreading rapidly around the world. The virus, which has been effective in different parts of the world for the past few weeks, is causing concern due to the possibility of a new epidemic.

This hepatitis virus affects children very badly

United Nations spokesperson said yesterday that the agency has detected 169 cases of acute hepatitis at the moment and these are children. . 17 of the children exposed to this virus, which causes inflammation in their livers, got so bad that they were immediately placed on the liver transplant list. Liver transplantation was performed in 17 of the children with this disease, who were included in the transplant list.

Currently the country with the highest reporting of Hepatitis virus United Kingdom: There are 114 cases. The United Kingdom is followed by Spain, which has recorded 13 cases, and Israel, which has recorded 12. The outbreak was also seen in the USA, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy, France, Norway, Belgium and Romania.

Health authorities are investigating this mysterious disease, which affects individuals aged 1 month to 16-year-olds, as a number of cases have been identified in Scotland from January to mid-April. The World Health Organization, on the other hand, is evaluating the possibility of a ‘new global epidemic’ related to this disease, whose origin is unknown and spread in different locations.

So what is this disease, why is it mysterious?

This disease manifests itself with jaundice-like symptoms in children. However, hepatitis A, B, C, D and E type virus agents are not found in the tests performed on children. In other words, the source and cause of the disease is not yet known exactly, but it is said that there may be a connection with COVID-19.

Researches on this disease, which is very serious because it can have fatal results and require organ transplantation by bankrupting the liver, continue without slowing down. Scientists and doctors warn that COVID-like symptoms with symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, yellowing of the eyes, especially in children and young people, should be observed well and a doctor should be consulted immediately.

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