Elon Musk made fun of Bill Gates! pregnant man analogy

The Tesla conversation between Elon Musk and Bill Gates has emerged. Musk made fun of Gates, who speculated on Tesla shares.
 Elon Musk made fun of Bill Gates!  pregnant man analogy
READING NOW Elon Musk made fun of Bill Gates! pregnant man analogy

There seems to have been quite a heated argument between Elon Musk and Bill Gates. According to some messages that appeared on Twitter, Elon Musk claimed that Bill Gates was speculating on Tesla shares. After these allegations, an interesting Bill Gates share came from Musk.

Elon Musk and Bill Gates clashed over Tesla

According to the images shared by the Twitter account named Whole Mars Catalog, Elon Musk had an argument with the philanthropic billionaire. In text messages, Elon Musk asked if Gates was still short on Tesla shares and said he would cut off communication with Gates.


Elon Musk asked Bill Gates if he sold Tesla shares in a short position. He admitted asking. For those who don’t know; If investors keep the stock in a short position, they make money when the price of the asset falls.

Confirming the tweet shared by the Whole Mars Catalog, Tesla CEO said, “I heard from many people at TED that Gates still has half a billion short shares in Tesla, so I asked him, so it’s top secret exactly. not,” he said.

To Elon Musk’s question about Tesla shares, Gates said, “I’m sorry to say I didn’t sell. I want to discuss (with you) the possibilities of philanthropy,” he said. But Musk said he wouldn’t argue with anyone who’s short for Tesla.

“Sorry I can’t take your philanthropy on climate change seriously when you have a large short position against Tesla, the company that does the most to solve climate change.”


Bill from Elon Musk after this message that confused Twitter Some posts about Gates came. Elon Musk, who put together the belly photo of the founder of Microsoft and the “pregnant male” emoji, gave place to the explanation “In case you lose an erection quickly”.

Musk also did not neglect to criticize Twitter over the sharing. Thinking that Twitter content management can remove this analogy, Tesla CEO said, “The shadow ban council is reviewing the tweet.”

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