Elon Musk Announces Improvements to Twitter

Elon Musk explained the updates, changes and improvements that he will bring if he can really buy Twitter with his shares on Twitter recently. Some are things that people really want.
 Elon Musk Announces Improvements to Twitter
READING NOW Elon Musk Announces Improvements to Twitter

Now almost all of you know that Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk wanted to buy Twitter, made an offer, was rejected by Twitter and Elon Musk is still determined to buy it because all the news since the beginning of April we share with you.

Elon Musk, who wants to buy Twitter, continues to explain the improvements he will make if the Twitter purchase is successful in the dialogues he enters with people on Twitter. Some of Elon Musk’s Twitter promises are what users really want fixed. However, it is also remarkable that the billionaire businessman is still talking about buying Twitter and making changes while everything is going against it. Let’s take a look at the plans of Musk, who continues to talk as if everything is fine.

Spam bots will vanish, all real people will be authenticated

It is obvious that one of the biggest problems on Twitter is spam bots. The crowd can put whatever agenda they want on Twitter into the algorithm whenever they want, thanks to bots. This issue is also mentioned in the posts by Elon Musk. In a tweet last Thursday, Elon Musk said: “If we buy Twitter, we will destroy the spam bots or die trying! And we will ensure that all real people can verify their identity.”

Although the spambots that Elon is talking about here are predominantly spambots used to pump cryptocurrencies, fighting one type of problem automatically combats the others.

Twitter’s functionality will increase and more freedom of speech will be provided

Elon Musk’s wishes are not limited to spam bots and verification. For example, in a Twitter vote last month, he asked his followers if they wanted an ‘Edit’ button, and 4.4 million people voted. He wants to bring functionality to Twitter.

Freedom of speech is also a big focus for Musk. He had publicly stated on Twitter in March that he would offer his followers a social media platform with primarily freedom of expression. He asked his followers the following question: “Given that Twitter serves like a public city centre, failure to adhere to the principles of freedom of expression fundamentally undermines democracy. What should be done?”

Dogecoin will be accepted

One of Musk’s plans for Twitter is that he plans to accept Dogecoin as a payment method. The idea of ​​being able to pay with Dogecoin for Twitter’s paid features is not a surprising step for Musk, who popularized Dogecoin on Twitter with his tweets and even his profile photo.

What do you think? If Elon Musk really buys Twitter, can he easily do what he says? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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